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About Niru

Niru's Tenacious Birth

About Niru

Psalms 127:13

Children are a gift from the Lord. They are a reward from Him.

A blessed baby bestowed on her parents, Emmanuel and Hepzhibha, and siblings, Martin Rollands, Jemima Roselin, and Daniel Douglus, Nirubha Priyadharshini emerged from a struggled pregnancy May Day 1987 in Kalpakkam, India. Despite the world's tide, Niru generously embraces one of Father God's purposes for her as a holy example of righteous and humble service to her family.

Philippians 2:14-15

Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky...

Niru's parents, Emmanuel a general manager at the Central Government Atomic Power station and Hepzibha a specialized manager of her family and home, dwelled in Kalpakkam their entire lives, a bulwark against the Christian syncretic and Indian faiths of Hindu, Muslim, and Buddhism. Indeed, Niru's childhood reinforced in her the word as Emmanuel pastored part time, leading Martin in his footsteps, and Daniel, too. Niru boasts a number of nephews and nieces; Martin and wife Merlin Ruth's children, Blessy Grace Paulina, and Blenda Cathrine, and Jemima and husband Jabez Santhosh Kumar's children, Jerusha Jackline and Jonathan Russel. Daniel and wife Glory, contemplating the joys of parenthood, have yet to embark on the voyage.

1 Timothy 5:4 & 8

But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God.Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

As a teen, despite the cultural pull and push of false world religions, Niru immersed herself in the blood of Jesus, baptized by her maternal 2nd cousin Pastor Michael. To this day, Niru demonstrates how to walk in trust and faith in Jesus to her siblings. She cares for her mother now and both her parents for years prior to her father's death in March 2022. The Holy Spirit is faithfully and gently healing Niru's wounded heart, her father having been her stabilizing, compassionate bed-rock.

Let us all pray Father God will rally Niru's siblings remaining in India to envelope and minister to their mother Hepzhibha as Niru departs and lives out of India.

Proverbs 31:30

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

After graduating in 2010 from TamilNadu Open University with a Bachelor of Business Administration, Niru plied her post graduate Diploma in Cargo Management from AirIndia Institute Technology in Dubai from 2014-2016, they being bereft and chagrined at her departure. Next stop, a 6-month stint in Georgia as a general manager of sales for a credit card company, Casagrand Builders. Niru prevails indispensably at her current real estate position managing a 17-member team filling abodes in new construction all over Chennai and the surrounding area.

Niru's ardor for Bollywood dance joyously fills her with her fluffy dog JD advising in the technique. Having easily qualified for travel bonuses, Niru traversed Switzerland and Australia on her employer's dime along with hundreds of others colleagues. Soon from China, Niru aspires expanding her world tour while sustaining an active presence in her family's lives back in India.

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About Niru

Father, Emmanuel
2.5yo 1989
18yo 2005
Parents, Emmanuel and Hepzhibha
21yo 2008
32yo 2019
Friends Tresa, Pamini, Renu, Kalai 2020
Friends Theresa and Asha 2020
Brothers Martin and Daniel
Family, Daniel, Emmanuel, Niru, Hepzhi, Martin and wife, Jemima and husband, Martin and Jemima's kids
Niru's doggy, JD
Dubai 2016
Parents, Emmanuel and Hepzhi 2021
Cousin Augustin and wife, 2020
33yo 2020
Mother Hepzhibha
36yo 2023
Niru's crew at the Realestate 2/1/24
Going away cake 2/1/24

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